Sometimes (pt 2)
Hanna Violet Hanna Violet

Sometimes (pt 2)

My three-year-old is learning now how to play board games, but is still struggling with the concept of accepting what you get in games of chance.

She asked my mom to play a game with her yesterday. My mom asked, “Are we going to play fair and square?”

“No, Oma. We’re going to play Candy Land.”

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Hanna Violet Hanna Violet



I feel useless

But then I remember that if I didn’t clean the bathroom, then nobody would. The grime would slowly accumulate and the damp unlaundered towels would begin to smell mildewy. The rugs would collect hair, mysterious crud, and toddler pee.

Or maybe someone would wash them. I don’t know.

And I still feel useless.

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