Choosing Love
Relationships are based on choices. I can choose every day and every moment to do what is loving and kind to whoever crosses my path. It doesn't always feel like a choice. It is hard. Sometimes it feels nearly impossible. But a passion for loving others is nothing like other passions... true love's sole intention is unity and beauty. Being human, I often misinterpret what the purpose of this strong loving feeling is about and selfishly misconstrue it into something for my personal benefit instead of truly listening to the flow and loving. By making loving choices and consciously focusing on loving thoughts and words, feelings of true love grow. I must start by developing this kind of true love for myself first. The way I accept love is a mirror for what I believe I deserve. If I love myself, I won't allow anyone to treat me badly. I will demand basic respect, responsibility, and safety from those in my life. I can start there. By always treating myself with respect, lovingly holding myself accountable to my responsibilities, and ensuring my own basic safety, I will begin to love myself. If I treat myself with the love, others are likely to see that I am worth loving. When I love aspects of myself, I undeniably shine. And out of the overflow of self-love , it becomes easier to give and accept love. Instead of allowing myself to be emotionally abused, I will surround myself with people who encourage me and remind me how to love myself - and who love me out of the overflow of their own self-love.